
Australian Working Kelpies

I seem to have more than a passing interest in Australian Working Kelpies. 

Kelpie Websites in Australia

The most important website for kelpie information by far is that of the Working Kelpie Council. You can look up the pedigrees of wkc registered dogs, and find info on kelpies in Australia where the real knowledge is.


Sam Weaver's blog http://nabudiboys.blogspot.com/

Jan Lowing's website, she lives in Queensland in Australia www.karmala.com.au.

Kathy Gooch's informative website based in Victoria - www.australiankelpie.com 


UK Kelpie websites -

Devonairs Kelpies (www.kelpie.co.uk)

Lyndhurst Kelpies (www.lyndhurst-kelpies.co.uk)

Found a kelpie at the Lowther International, sitting under one of the grandstands.


Anyone interested in discussing working kelpies in the UK,  please email nidderdalesheepdogs@gmail.com

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